Data and payments storage, privacy, and encryption

In order for groups to build community, they must be safe. On Heylo, we strive to help groups have a safe space to organize and connect with each other.

Data storage and security

With exception to payments, data inputted into Heylo is stored securely using Google Cloud.

All Heylo team members do not have access to all messages or information shared; a handful may retain access to handle disputes or serve legal requests. Learn more details in Heylo the privacy policy.

Messages are not encrypted. They are stored in a secure database and are not associated with the name of any specific person.

Payments security

Heylo partners with Stripe to process member payment information. Payment information is encrypted and stored securely by Stripe. Heylo and group admins do not have access to the payment information but can charge the card according to the terms of the group. Learn more about Stripe Security here.