Onboard and import custom member roster

Migrating from an existing platform

If you have your member roster or directory with member emails or phone numbers from another platform, Heylo has personalized onboarding for your members! Share your member roster with the Heylo team via support chat or support@heylo.co, and Heylo onboards each member individually and automatically uploads all the applicable existing information from the roster.

How it works:

  1. Submit your member roster for import
  2. When you approve, Heylo sends a personalized email to each member
  3. The email contains a custom link unique to that member with all their information from the member roster. It can include everything from their email, name, attendance, and emergency contact to their membership plan, renewal date, and payment info
  4. When members accept the invitation and click the link, the information is automatically added to their account. They can confirm their information is correct when they join

Personalized onboarding invite links are one-time use to maintain security. If a member skips the email and signs up directly in Heylo, no problem! Heylo matches their email with the corresponding email in the member roster and automatically adds their info. And if they already have a Heylo account, all their current information and account details are automatically ported over - no change for them!

See a sample member roster for import.

When members join Heylo, not only do they confirm their info, but they also see all the group's events, communications, and members! Heylo de-duplicates multiple accounts automatically.

Custom Onboarding Membership Launch Checklist

  1. Add your membership plans to your Heylo group. Don’t launch, yet!
  2. Export your existing member roster and send it to support@heylo.co
  3. Prep your interal member communications. Consider where you will share this info with your members (email, in-person, in chat, etc.)
  4. Finalize your launch day
  5. Launch! The Heylo team will send invites and launch your membership

Sample member communication

Hey members, exciting news! We’re moving our membership to Heylo. Not only is it the best way to see all our upcoming events and connect with other members, but you can also directly manage your membership.

In the coming days, you’ll receive an email invite to join our group. All you need to do is press “Join” and you’ll be good to go!

Sample FAQs

You can copy and paste these into your communications!

What’s Heylo and why are we moving?

Heylo is a group platform that helps organize our club calendar, communications and benefits. It’s the best way to see our full upcoming events calendar and connect with other members. Heylo has a 4.9 star rating in the app store and it’s used by the top running clubs in NYC and around the world.

Can I use Heylo on my computer or phone?

Both! You can use Heylo from your computer, mobile app or phone browser. We have our own dedicated space on Heylo, so you’ll only get communications from our group.

How do I join?

In the coming days, you’ll receive an email invitation to join our group on Heylo. It’s a magic link with all info pre-loaded. Just accept the invitation via link, and join our group!

Is Heylo safe?

Yes - our group has a dedicated space on Heylo. It’s just for us - access is controlled and no non-members can join. Plus, there are safety and security features built into Heylo so you can provide feedback or report any issues right away.

What if I already use Heylo?

No problem! If you accept the invitation, you’ll be added to our group. You can use the same existing account without impact to your other groups on Heylo.

What happens to my paid membership?

Your membership renewal date has already been added to Heylo. When your date comes up, you can complete your renewal payment right in the Heylo platform. You can use major credit card or debit card, including Apple or Google Pay, from your phone or computer. Plus, you can get receipts or update your payment info anytime.

What if I have questions or get stuck?

No problem! Every member of our group has a direct line of communication to the Heylo team. You can message a real person directly via supprt chat in Heylo, or email at support@heylo.co.

Does else change?

Nope, that’s it! We’re super excited to build our community further with Heylo.


As a leader recently with personalized onboarding recently said, "You guys are great. My members are loving Heylo. I have not gotten one single complaint, ZERO!"