Bulk invites by email

If an admin has access to all member emails, use bulk email invites to onboard all members seamlessly. Members invited by email can receive all of the group announcements and upcoming event communications with Heylo’s email integration, even before they sign up for Heylo.

Furthermore, members invited by email will automatically receive a follow-up invitation after 3 days if they do not join from the first invitation.

To invite members by email, navigate to the members tab, select invite, and then select email. Copy all members’ email addresses, and then paste them into Heylo separated by a comma, semicolon, or new line. Heylo will automatically organize them and send each a personalized email invitation from the inviter via the group invite email account.

To preview the email invitation, select the “sample” button from the email invite menu.

Once everyone is invited, admins still have control over who receives email communications from the group. At the bottom of the members tab, admins can see a list of members invited by email under Pending. Admins can select a member and resend an invite, or remove the member from the group. In addition, anyone invited can always opt out by unsubscribing.