Priority access

For membership groups, priority access can be granted to provide certain group members special access to certain events. When enabled, the members in the membership plans set with priority access can interact with the event before the remaining members.

Priority access can be used to provide benefits to a membership including:

  1. Early sign-up: If an event is popular and has a size limit and waitlist, priority access members can sign-up and secure their spot before it becomes available to the broader members.
  2. Exclusive events: Priority access can also create exclusive events for priority access members only. This could be reserved for VIPs, special guests, or members of specific organizations or communities. The event remains visible to all members, but only priority access members can sign-up.

Events with priority access enabled can still be viewed by all members; however, the action button to sign up for the event is locked. To unlock it, they can sign up for the appropriate priority access membership.